Saturday, October 14, 2017

Have you bought your tickets yet?

Get your tickets now for our 20 year reunion!  We are excited that so many of you have already bought tickets for the reunion on Saturday November 25th, 2017 from 7-10pm at Finn's Tap Room in Victor, NY  (owned by Nick Iadorola) for our 20th high school reunion.  We've got tasty hot and cold appetizers, open bar (thank you Uber), silly drinking games and tons of 90s music.  We don't have to leave at 10pm, the night will just get a tad pricier.  Shenanigans will certainly occur, so you don't want to miss you.

If you haven't purchased your tickets yet, you can now using the PayPal link below for $35 per ticket.  Unfortunately, no tickets will be sold at the door to enable us to plan for enough food and drinks. 

Some FAQs answered:

  • Tickets will not be mailed but there will be a check in at the door when you arrive.
  • We were unable to book a group rate at a local hotel due to the holiday weekend.
  • We can still use help with decorating if you are free on November 25th.
  • If you would like to plan a family-friendly event over Thanksgiving weekend, please do!

Click here to buy your tickets with PayPal!

Looking forward to seeing you in just 6 weeks!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

The date is set

Join us on Saturday November 25th, 2017 at Finn's Tap Room in Victor, NY  (owned by Nick Iadorola) for our 20th high school reunion.  We can't believe it has been that long either.  This is going to be an adult-only affair with three hours open bar and a variety of hot food.

Tickets are $35 each.  Unfortunately, no tickets will be sold at the door so we can plan for enough food and drink to be available.

Click here to buy your tickets with PayPal!

**When purchasing your tickets, please leave a comment with your name so we know who purchased the tickets.**

We are still looking for volunteers to help organize a few details in the lead up to the event and on the evening.  If you have 30 minutes to spare a week, please get in touch by emailing

Hope to see you in November!

Reunion Committee,

Mollie (Tubbs) Millington
Adam Cormack
Katie (Howe) Fox
Katie (Fornia) E
Priya (Bhola) Rathod
Kristina (Hedberg) Conklin

Updated October 14, 2017