Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Steve Butcher

It is with sadness that I report Steve Butcher was slain in Iraq this week. Here is an article on the D&C website.

For those interested, a trust fund has been established for his 6 year old daughter.

Monday, May 28, 2007

We Really Need Your Address!

Invites are being printed as we speak. If you have not yet done so, please email your address and phone number to: penfieldclass97@yahoo.com. The missing class list (see previous post) is updated as I receive info. Even if you do not wish to attend, please let me know you heard about the reunion so I can stop looking for you.

Here are the details about the reunion one more time:

Who: Penfield High School Class of 1997 (If you were in our class for a large portion of your education, whether or not you officially graduated with our class, we want to see you!)
What: Our first class reunion
Where: Riverside Clarion Hotel, downtown Rochester
When: Saturday November 24, 2007 (Thanksgiving weekend! Please tell your families now so you can plan ahead if in-laws are involved)
Why: We are old! 10 years out!

Pricing will be included in the invite. We are still working out numbers.

If anyone wants to organize another activity (Amerks game, night at Crummers, etc) please let me know.
