Sunday, October 14, 2007

Ticket Info


Use the Paypal link below to buy tickets. If you prefer, can also mail in check. Email me and I'll let you know where to send the check. Please take a look at the missing list posted below and contact anyone you know who is on there. We'd like as many people from our class to attend as possible.

Mollie Tubbs


Single Ticket: $50
Couples: $90

Keep in mind that this includes 3 hours of open bar and appetizers will be served as well, along with coffee and desserts.

Click here to purchase a single ticket for $50.
Click here to purchase a couples ticket for $90.

If you don't have a PayPal account, you don't need one. Just click on the "continue" link and it will allow you to make a one-time payment. Email us if you have any questions!

Updated Missing List 11/9/07

We are well on our way to a fun-filled reunion! Over 100 tickets have been sold. We are at the point where we could use everyone's help to find the following people. We do not have an email, address, phone #, Myspace/Facebook contact info for any of these people. Please help us! We'd like to have a yes/no RSVP from as many people as possible. If you see yourself on the list or know a few people, have them send in their info to asap! Thanks!

Missing as of 11/9/07:

Abraha, Timnit
Ahmadshari, Ferahnaz
Antila, Juha
Baez, Rachel
Bailey, Kimberly
Barbero, Jason
Baxter, Annie
Beach, Sonya
Bochno, Michael
Bowles, Derek
Boyar, Simeon
Brown, Charlie
Bryant, Andre
Buckley, Sarah
Cannon, Benjamin
Carroll, Justin
Chung, Julie
Cook, Sarah
Curcio, Paul
Dumais, Bryan
Everett, Randy
Fagbayi, Olajumoke
Feasel, Jeffrey
Feasel, Kristina
Ferrari, Richard
Freeman, Jessica
Gaither, Devon
Galperin, Eugebe
Gervasi, Andrew
Grammatico, Nicholas
Grindeland, Nathan
Guevara, Rafael
Guimaraes, Raquel
Haines, Laura
Hannah-Snowden, Jason
Hayes, Tammy
Herb, Adam
Hermes, Gregory
Hibner, Justin
Hoadley, Benjamin
Jeffers, Allen
Kalsuga, Lauren
Koster, Adrianne
LaDuca, Kelly
Laley, Christopher
Lalonde, Lindsay
Lamay, Thomas
LaPorta, Michael
LaRosa, Nicole
Lehmann, Matthew
Levine, William
Li, Xia
Lygas, Renee
Lyons, Mary Margaret (Molly)
Mann, Ruslan
Maskasky, Linda
Mathewson, Lucinda
McBride, Courtney
McCoubrey, Sara
McGahey, Eric
Melville, Stephen
Meyer, John
Milne, Nicole
Montgomery, Matt
Mounnarat, Jimmy
Mudrak, Brian
Mulvaney, James
Neilans, Brody
Olson, Abby
O'Neill, Joseph
O'Neill, Timothy
Ozsvath, Anita
Peek, Jeremy
Peryea, Jason
Pitt, Jennifer
Pollack, Tracy
Powell, Matthew
Priddle, Derek
Reeves, Amy
Rice, John
Richardson, Jeremy
Rogers, Michael
Rosenbaum, Ann Marie
Ross, Joseph
Rumiano, Jillian
Ruppenthal, Sarah
Russo, Sal
Saleh, Rubayet
Samuel, Melissa
Scott, Matthew
Seegler, Bradley
Sellitto, Michael
Servutas, Vitaly
Shi, Kai Xian
Shishonkova, Elena
Sirianni, Gina
Slowik, Jay
St. Martin, Kevin
Strusz, Jodie
Strusz, Sara
Suppe, Lynne
Sweet, Todd
Taylor, Megan
Valdez, John
Wagner, Scott
Waidl, Samuel
Wamp, Marcy
Ward, Kisha
Wheeler, Julie
Whiteside, Jeffrey
Wilson, Michael
Wirth, Alexander
Wong, Xian
Yung, Kevin
Yurkevich, Zhanna
Yurovskaya, Svetlana

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Please buy tickets ASAP!

Hi Guys! I just messaged a ton of you on Myspace. The planning committee would appreciate it if you bought your tickets to the reunion by next Wednesday (Oct 10) if you are fairly certain you are attending the reunion. In order for this reunion to take place, we need to make a sizeable down payment to the venue. While we're selling tickets at a decent pace, we're just not there yet.

WE COULD USE YOUR HELP! Please contact your friends and remind them to buy tickets soon. It is a big task to plan this party, we need help to make the event a success.

If you already bought a ticket, and I contacted you, I apologize. I don't have a copy of the attendees yet, but should be getting it soon. If you have a question, you can email me at

Use the Paypal link below to buy tickets. If you prefer, can also mail in check. Email me and I'll let you know where to send the check.

Mollie Tubbs


Single Ticket: $50
Couples: $90

Keep in mind that this includes 3 hours of open bar and appetizers will be served as well, along with coffee and desserts.

Click here to purchase a single ticket for $50.
Click here to purchase a couples ticket for $90.

If you don't have a PayPal account, you don't need one. Just click on the "continue" link and it will allow you to make a one-time payment. Email us if you have any questions!

Monday, October 01, 2007

One month left to buy tix!

Please plan on buying your tickets to the reunion by November 1! Paypal links are below. Or email me ( if you want to mail a check. I can give you the address.
